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how to convert c code to code

Madhu Mitha217821-Apr-2015

      I want to convert c code to code.. i do not know how to do it..  can anyone help me doing it..

My code is;

#include<stdio.h>#include<string.h>#include<malloc.h>unsignedchar*read_bmp(char*fname,int* _w,int* _h){unsignedchar head[54]; FILE *f = fopen(fname,"rb");// BMP header is 54 bytes fread(head,1,54, f);int w = head[18]+(((int)head[19])<<8)+(((int)head[20])<<16)+(((int)head[21])<<24);int h = head[22]+(((int)head[23])<<8)+(((int)head[24])<<16)+(((int)head[25])<<24);// lines are aligned on 4-byte boundaryint lineSize =(w /8+(w /8)%4);int fileSize = lineSize * h;unsignedchar*img = malloc(w * h),*data = malloc(fileSize);// skip the header fseek(f,54,SEEK_SET);// skip palette - two rgb quads, 8 bytes fseek(f,8, SEEK_CUR);// read data fread(data,1,fileSize,f);// decode bitsint i, j, k, rev_j;for(j =0, rev_j = h -1; j < h ; j++, rev_j--){for(i =0; i < w /8; i++){int fpos = j * lineSize + i, pos = rev_j * w + i *8;for(k =0; k <8; k++) img[pos +(7- k)]=(data[fpos]>> k )&1;}} free(data);*_w = w;*_h = h;return img;}int main(){int w, h, i, j;unsignedchar* img = read_bmp("test1.bmp",&w,&h);for(j =0; j < h ; j++){for(i =0; i < w ; i++) printf("%c ", img[j * w + i]?'0':'1'); printf("\n");}return0;}

thank you in advance

Updated on 23-Apr-2015

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